Tree Service Arborist Registration

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Problems getting rid of your wood chip mulch?  

There’s an app for that!


Get the Free Mulch App now!

Our Free Mulch App is now live and beta testing mode to connect you to people who want wood chips from the Free Mulch Program!

We have OVER THREE THOUSAND free wood chip requests and are inviting quality tree services like your’s to join with us.

Here’s why we built the free wood chip program:

Problem: Multiple tree guys maintaining individual lists wastes everyone’s time, a LOT of money, and wrecks our environment.
When a client calls multiple tree guys it wastes your’s and their time because only ONE tree service will fill that free mulch request. When you are finally in their area, most of the time the client no longer needs free wood chips, forcing you to waste more man hours, wear on your gear, and worst, your production shuts down costing you money, as your truck has to drive further to get rid of the chips.

Solution: One centralized list that updates and maintains itself.
Our Free Mulch App maintains the list itself. Clients request the mulch on our website and are pinned to the free mulch map automatically. When your chipper truck fills up, a simple click of one button on your iPhone or Android, and you’ll see all the mulch requests in your area. You will see that some locations have special instruction and request a call first. After contacting the client, you simply mark the request with another click of a button if you filled their need or not.

Multiple tree services updating a centralized list means that EVERY request is fresh all the time, because you never see requests that have already been delivered.

Pricing: Free!

As tree guys ourselves we developed the free wood chip program to maximize savings in fuel, labor, dump fees, wear and tear on our own equipment so our production can stay as profitable as possible! We thought you might like to join with us as well.

That’s it! Join today and save a ton!

Get the Free Mulch App now!